Increases your Movement Speed by 2% while immune to crowd control Reduces your damage taken from Area of Effect Attacks by 2% for 2 seconds after you Roll Dodge Each piece of Medium Armor worn increases the duration of this ability.Įach piece of Medium Armor does the following: While this effect is active, when you take damage from a direct area of effect attack you gain Major Expedition for 0 seconds, increasing your Movement Speed by 30%. Shroud yourself in mist to gain Major Evasion, reducing damage from area attacks by 20% for 26 seconds.
Each piece of Medium Armor worn removes and grants immunity to snares and immobilizations for 1 second. Shroud yourself in mist to gain Major Evasion, decreasing damage from area attacks by 20% for 20 seconds. Shroud yourself in mist to gain Major Evasion, reducing damage from area attacks by 20% for 20 seconds. REQUIRES 5 PIECES OF MEDIUM ARMOR EQUIPPED